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net.jini.constraint (Apache River v3.0.0 API Documentation)
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Package net.jini.constraint

Provides a basic implementation of MethodConstraints and a TrustVerifier for common constraints.

See: Description

Package net.jini.constraint Description

Provides a basic implementation of MethodConstraints and a TrustVerifier for common constraints. BasicMethodConstraints is a basic implementation of MethodConstraints, allowing limited wildcard matching on method names and parameter types. ConstraintTrustVerifier is a trust verifier for instances of the constraint classes defined in the net.jini.core.constraint package, and for the BasicMethodConstraints, X500Principal and KerberosPrincipal classes.
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Copyright 2007-2013, multiple authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see the NOTICE file for attributions.