An Map from Lease to Long (the duration to use when
renewing the lease). For all methods of LeaseMap except canContainKey,
an IllegalArgumentException is thrown if a key is not a Lease or a value
is not a Long. Null keys and values are not supported.
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface java.util.Map
Returns true if the given object is a Lease which can be renewed
and cancelled in a batch with other leases in the map. Whether
or not two Lease objects can be batched is an implementation
detail determined by the objects.
key - an object that should be a lease
true if the lease can be renewed and cancelled in a
a batch with other leases
Renews all leases in the LeaseMap, using their current values as
the renewal durations. If all renewals are successful, returns
normally. Otherwise, removes all leases that failed to renew
from the LeaseMap, and throws LeaseMapException.
Cancels all leases in the LeaseMap. If all cancels are successful,
returns normally (leaving all leases in the map). Otherwise,
removes all leases that failed to cancel from the LeaseMap, and
throws LeaseMapException.