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net.jini.jeri.ssl (Apache River v2.2.2 Specification-only API Documentation)

Package net.jini.jeri.ssl

Provides implementations of Endpoint and ServerEndpoint that use TLS/SSL and HTTPS (HTTP over TLS/SSL) to support invocation constraints.

See: Description

Package net.jini.jeri.ssl Description

Provides implementations of Endpoint and ServerEndpoint that use TLS/SSL and HTTPS (HTTP over TLS/SSL) to support invocation constraints.

The package includes two ServerEndpoint classes to support the server side of remote connections, SslServerEndpoint for direct communication over TCP sockets using TLS/SSL (Secure Socket Layer), and HttpsServerEndpoint for communication through firewalls using HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol encapsulated in the TLS/SSL protocol), with the associated Endpoint classes, SslEndpoint and HttpsEndpoint.

The package includes the ConfidentialityStrength constraint, supported by the endpoints in the package, for specifying requirements or preferences for weak or strong confidentiality on remote connections.

The package also includes the SslTrustVerifier trust verifier for establishing trust in remote proxies that use instances of the endpoint and constraint classes supplied in this package, as well as principals of type X500Principal.

Supported Constraints

The endpoint classes in this package support at least the following constraints, possibly limited by the available cipher suites:

Note that ConnectionRelativeTime and DelegationRelativeTime constraints may be used on the client side at higher levels, but should be converted to the associated absolute time constraints for use by the Endpoint classes.

Subject Authentication

The endpoint classes authenticate as a single Principal if the following items are present in the Subject:

In addition, the newRequest methods for the client endpoint classes will only authenticate as a given principal if the caller has been granted AuthenticationPermission with that principal as the local principal, the principal representing the authenticated identity of the server as the peer principal, and the connect action.

Similarly, the server endpoint classes will only dispatch remote calls that authenticate as a given principal if the caller of listen on their ListenEndpoint has been granted AuthenticationPermission with that principal as the local principal, the principal representing the authenticated identity of the client for the call (if any) as the peer principal, and the accept action.

These endpoint classes support remote connections between authenticated servers and authenticated or anonymous clients, and between anonymous servers and anonymous clients. Connections between anonymous servers and authenticated clients are not supported. Because of the suites available in the TLS/SSL protocol, support for Confidentiality.NO requires the server to authenticate with an RSA public key.

If the server subject contains principals and credentials that would permit authentication of more than one X500Principal, the endpoint will make an arbitrary choice of the principal to use for authentication, and will continue to make the same choice so long as subject contents, validity of credentials, and security permissions do not change.

If there is a security manager, the methods defined on the iterators returned by calling the newRequest methods on the client endpoints call the security manager's checkConnect method with the endpoint's server host and port.

Similarly, if there is a security manager, the checkPermissions and listen methods defined on ListenEndpoint instances returned by the server endpoints call the security manager's checkListen method, as well as requiring the caller to have AuthenticationPermission with all the server principals specified in the server endpoint and the listen action.

The host name specified when creating SslServerEndpoint or HttpsServerEndpoint instances controls the host name that will be contained in associated Endpoint instances produced when ServerEndpoint.enumerateListenEndpoints is invoked to listen on the server endpoint; the host name does not affect the behavior of the listen operation itself, which listens on all of the local system's network addresses. If the host name in the server endpoint is null, then the host name in the endpoint instances that it produces will be the default server host name, which is the IP address string of the InetAddress returned by InetAddress.getLocalHost when enumerateListenEndpoints is invoked.

The client and server endpoint classes permit specifying a SocketFactory for creating the Socket instances that client endpoints use to make remote connections back to the server. The server endpoints permit specifying a ServerSocketFactory for creating the ServerSocket instances that the server endpoint uses to accept remote connections. These socket factories and sockets should not implement the TLS/SSL protocol; it is the responsibility of the implementation to establish TLS/SSL connections over the sockets it obtains from the socket factories. In particular, instances of SSLSocketFactory and SSLServerSocketFactory should not be used, and the factories used should not return instances of SSLSocket or SSLServerSocket.

A SocketFactory used with instances of the endpoint classes should be serializable, and must implement Object.equals to obey the guidelines that are specified for equals methods of Endpoint instances. A ServerSocketFactory used with instances of the server endpoint classes must implement Object.equals to obey the guidelines that are specified for equals methods of ListenEndpoint instances.

The HttpsEndpoint class recognizes the following system properties:

The SslEndpoint and SslServerEndpoint classes use the Jini extensible remote invocation (Jini ERI) multiplexing protocol to map outgoing requests to socket connections.